Drawing Diamonds
As part of a jewelry design internship, i learned how to design, create and craft luxurious jewelry pieces. The goal of this experience was to learn the care in designing with diamonds, knowing each type, size and assemblage method. The creativity and technicality aspects work in parallel in this field of creation. The following are hand drawings of diamond necklaces i designed throughout the internship.

The Platinum Pearl
The Platinum Pearl is an online jewelry shop, created to sell handmade custom jewelry for reasonable prices across Lebanon. The account was created in 2016 by Joelle Nader and Maria Nasrallah, who also crafted the pieces. The sale extended beyond the online market as the jewelry were also exhibited in several festivals in the country.
instagram: @theplatinumpearl

Creating sets and stories for my own jewelry collection, either bought or created myself, giving them a new life and different aesthetic.
instagram: @naderjoelle